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Woman’s family wins $4 million in medical malpractice suit

Medical negligence impacts New Jersey residents every day. Most people go to the hospital to get better and instead suffer more serious injuries from a doctor. There are many types of medical malpractice including surgical errors, medication errors, failure to recognize fetal distress, and failure to diagnosis a treatable condition. Any type of medical mistake can result in serious, long lasting consequences for a patient and his or her family. An experienced New Jersey medical malpractice attorney can help hold negligent medical providers responsible for their mistakes and compensate families for their losses.

One family recently received a more than $4 million jury award in a medical malpractice lawsuit. The jury found that an emergency room doctor’s negligence contributed to the woman’s death and robbed her family of her company and love.

The woman was brought to a hospital from an urgent care facility. She was examined by an emergency room doctor who diagnosed her with “chest pain of unclear cause and bronchitis” and sent her home. Unfortunately the woman’s chest pain was a sign of an impending heart attack and the doctor failed to catch it. Less than two weeks later the woman was rushed to a hospital in full cardiopulmonary arrest. She died of a heart attack less than 20 minutes after arriving at the hospital.

“Although a life was taken and can never be replaced this verdict will hopefully be used in the medical community to teach others and avoid a similar tragedy,” an attorney for the woman’s family said.

Source: The Intelligencer, “Millions Awarded in Medical Malpractice Suit,” Tyler Reynard, Sept. 29, 2011

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