Changes in Jersey City to increase pedestrian safety
Safety is often a concern for families and individuals in New Jersey. The streets are often busy with cars, trucks and busses, and those traveling on foot or on bicycle are at risk when they are near these high traffic areas. When a vehicle strikes pedestrians or cyclists, it could be due to driver negligence.
If a vehicle is traveling too fast, the driver is on the phone or the driver failed to stop or yield to a pedestrian or bicyclist, a serious accident could ensue. This does not only result in personal injury or death but could also result in a cause of action by the injured party or the loved ones of the deceased against the negligent driver.
A recent report in Jersey City expressed the concern for the motorists, pedestrians and cyclists that compete over space on the congested streets and sidewalks.. Specifically, on the heels of several recent serious accidents, the report highlighted the serious issues involved with pedestrian and cyclist safety.
In addition, a local official involved with this report also developed a proposal to attack this problem. This would require new traffic lights, improved lighting on the streets, bump outs, painted crosswalks and an enforcement campaign. These steps could improve safety and reduce the chances of a pedestrian accident and resulting serious injuries.
Keeping the roads safe is an important issue for any city to tackle. Drivers should avoid distracting activities and keep a lookout for pedestrians at all times. In addition, pedestrians and cyclists should use caution when crossing the street in order to avoid collisions.
When a negligent driver strikes a pedestrian or cyclist, they could be seriously injured. This could cause them to suffer greatly and require ongoing medical attention. This could ultimately lead to long-term medical care, rehabilitation and numerous bills. An injured person could file a personal injury claim in order to recover compensation for these damages.
Source: Hudson Reporter, “Walk this way: Osborne to introduce broad proposal to improve pedestrian safety downtown,” E. Assata Wright, Sept. 8, 2013